RMZH,  Volume 11 № 21, 2003


Experience of the application of Arbidol with treatment and preventive maintenance of influenza and ORVI in children in the Ukraine


S.A. Kramarev, L.A. Is chamber National medical university, Kiev, the Ukraine


V.I. Litus

Kiev medical academy of graduate formation, the Ukraine




Influenza and sharp respiratory virus infections (ORVI) are the diseases most common in the Ukraine. Yearly in the country are recorded tens of millions of cases ORVI, millions of days of disablement, passages of school, connected with them. Economic damage from the influenza only composes about 400 million 10 kopecks per year [ 6 ]. During only one first calendar quarter after the medical aid apropos of influenza and ORVI in the Ukraine they are turned to 10 million people, among whom 52% comprise the children. The level of morbidity ORVI exceeds the same of all remaining infections among the children 7-7,5 times. A quantity of sick ORVI of children is 1,5-3,0 times more than adult [ 2 ]. For the children the influenza and ORVI are most dangerous. At this age most frequently are encountered the defeats of central nervous system, from the light neurologic disorders to the heavy defeats of brain, such complications as bronchitis, pneumonia, acute average otitis are recorded in each third child, sick with influenza and ORVI. The younger the child, the greater he has the probability of the development of complications. This probability decreases by 20% each of the subsequent 6 years of the life of child [ 11 ].


An improvement in the outcomes ORVI, the decrease of the number of complications with them find in direct dependence on the in proper time assigned and adequate treatment. Contemporary antiviral means for the treatment ORVI have a number of limitations in children. This is frequently connected with the narrowness of the spectrum of their antiviral activity, the rapid development to them of the stability of viruses, the high costs and the difficulties in the use [ 5,11 ].


In recent years the attention of pediatricians -infekqionistov drew the preparation Of arbidol, which possesses direct antiviral action on agents ORVI by the suppression of the early stage of virus reproduction. Preparation renders interferon- also inducing, immunomodulating, antioksidantyy effects, without influencing the process of the production of specific antibodies to the respiratory viruses, which profitably distinguishes it from the majority of the antiviral means, which are adapted for the treatment and the preventive maintenance ORVI [ 3,4,7 ].


In recent years is accumulated experience of the application of Arbidol in the clinical practice, in the first place, in the childhood, which gives grounds to use it with the treatment of influenza and ORVI [ 8,10 ].


Averting the medico- social consequences of influenza and ORVI is tightly connected with the preventive maintenance of these illnesses. The most effective today means of preventive maintenance is vaccination. However, only vaccine against the influenza at present obtained wide application, and in the children of early age in the etiological structure ORVI influenza occupies only 3-4 places [ 9 ].


In recent years in the clinical practice for the preventive maintenance of influenza and ORVI frequently are used the medicines, whose effectiveness is not reliably proven that it leads to the time loss and the retention of the high level of morbidity ORVI [ 1 ].


Material and the methods


Under the observation find 68 children, sick by influenza and ORVI at the age from 6 to 15 years. Children were divided by the method of the random sampling into 2 groups of 34 people. In the experimental group the patients obtained Arbidol, in the control room - was not obtained antiviral therapy. In the groups being investigated the children did not differ in the age, the diagnosis and the gravity of disease. In the experimental group in 12 children the antigen of the virus of influenza was revealed by the method of immunofluorescence, - adenovirus, in one - RS- virus and in 7 - to decipher the etiology of disease it was impossible in 12 - parainfluenza, in 4. In the control group the antigen of the virus of influenza is discovered in 9, parainfluenza - in 14, adenovirus - in 6, RS- virus - in one and in 4 children identified OF ORVI could not be.


Regime of dosing Arbidol with the treatment ORVI: children from 6 to 12 years - on 0,1 g of 3 times in the day during the 3rd days; children are older than 12 years - on 0.2 g of 3 times in the day during the 3rd days.


In the winter season 2002-2003 is studied the preventive effect of Arbidol with the influenza and ORVI. In a study participated 156 healthy children at the age from 6 to 12 years (experimental and control room of group of 78 children). In the experimental group the children at the age from 6 to 12 years obtained Arbidol on 0,1 g once 3 days during 4 weeks, the children of older than 12 years - on 0.2 g once 3 days during 4 weeks. In the control group the drug preventive maintenance of influenza and another ORVI was not conducted.


Results of the study


The analysis of the clinical manifestations of influenza and another ORVI showed that already from the second day of treatment by Arbidol were observed the differences between presence and intensity of symptoms in comparison with the control group. The manifestations of general intoxication and catarrhal phenomena against the background of the application Of Arbidol were less expressed (p<0,05) and was conducted more rapidly (p<0,05). Among the children of experimental group was not observed the developments of the complications of influenza and another ORVI, while in the control group the disease was complicated in 2 children by purulent otitis and in two - by pneumonia. A good transference of preparation is noted.


The results of studying the effectiveness of Arbidol as the means of the preventive maintenance of influenza and ORVI are represented in Table 1.



Obtained data attest to the fact that the application of Arbidol contributes to reduction in the morbidity by influenza and TO ORVI (from 12% to 33%), to the easier course of disease (from 6% to 22%). In the children of the basic group of complications it was not observed, in the control group they developed in 4 patients (in 2 - otitis, in 2 - pneumonia).




1. Arbidol is effective and safe preparation for treating of influenza and sharp respiratory virus infections.


2. Arbidol can be rekomendovan for the wide use in the preventive maintenance of influenza and sharp respiratory virus infections in children. Its application not only reduces the level of morbidity, but also it contributes to the decrease of gravity of disease and number of complications.





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